Saturday, July 10, 2010

So What's This About?

I have ordered a TerraTrike Rover. After digging through the internet, I have found over 90% of articles available are just copy and pastes from the manufacturer news releases. The other 10% seem to be from folks who have spent a lot of time on the recumbent or bike scene and are what I would consider professionals.

Not the information I was looking for. So here it is, my fix for the rest of you and a way to track my adventures for me.

So, why did I choose a Rover? I need something that can handle my weight (265 pounds) and can be broken down small enough that I can mail the pieces through United States Postal Service. I also wanted the sealed hub for gears, because of the flour consistency of the sand in the area I will be riding. Do some of those requirements sound a little odd? Well, here's why.

I spend a lot of time on a base in Afghanistan. I need a way to work out, but don't have any time, as I work 12+ hours a day seven days a week. The speed limit is 12.5 miles an hour, my place of work is a little over 6 miles from my tent. I hope to pedal fast enough that I can get a workout en-route to the office (a shipping container) without losing any time I usually spend productive in my workplace.  I can bypass customs by using the U.S. Mail System. Otherwise, I have no idea how I could get a trike through Afghanistan customs.  Mail call.

Before this I had purchased a mountain bike from the Post Exchange. How can I say this? It didn't work out. I was too heavy for the bike, the tiny little seat was painful. But I knew I needed to pedal my way to a healthier me. I started looking at recumbents, but could find nothing that I could mail to myself. Then I found the Rover. So, here goes my adventure!

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